
Freitag, 1. April 2022

we need to take a longer break

 Hello crafters,

unfortunately we have to stop uploading challenges to this challenge blog after all these years. It breaks my heart but at the moment it's just not possible to update the challenge blog due to my accident.

I almost cut off my fingertip and damaged another finger too so I won't be able to craft in the next few months.

So until then we'll take a longer break. 

Stay safe everyone and please never stop stitching :-) One day we'll probably be back



Samstag, 1. Januar 2022

152. Challenge - Schneeflocken - Snowflakes

 Hallo ihr Lieben,

wir wünschen Euch alles Gute und ein gesundes neues Jahr 2022.  

In diesem Jahr beginnen wir die Challenges mit dem Thema: Schneeflocken.

Bitte bastelt ein Werk (egal ob Kärtchen, Box oder ähnliches) mit Schneeflocken. Ihr dürft so viele Werke wie möglich einsenden, sie sollten nur neu sein.

Zu gewinnen gibt es diesen Monat 15 der Vorlagen aus dem Adventskalender 2021.

Die Challenge startet sofort und endet am 01.02.2022 um 18:00 Uhr, MEZ


Hello lovely crafters,

we wish you all the best and a happy new year 2022.

In our first Challenge of the new year we would like to see: Snowflakes.

Please make a project (it doesn't matter if you make a card or a box or whatever :-)) with snowflakes. You can upload as many projects as you like, the only thing we ask for is that whatever you upload is new. 

This month you can win 15 patterns of the adventscalendar 2021.

The challenge starts right now and ends Feb 1st 6 pm CET. 

Hier sind unsere Musterkarten / here are our sample cards:





Bitte uploaded eure Werke bei inlinkz. Please upload your cards/projects using inlinkz.
We hope to see your wonderful creations. 

Your DT

Winner Challenge 151st

 Hello again :-)

This month it's no need to pick a winner. I decided to send both Nellie and Elle-Jeanne all patterns from the advent calendar 2021.

Thanks so much for joining our December Challenge. 

Nellie - all 24 Emails have been sent - please let me know if all arrived in your Email-Inbox. Thanks.

Elle-Jeanne - please send me your email address again. I have one from you but I don't know if it changed.

Congratulations to you both.

Happy new year

